There are two school board candidates, Jeremy Jeffreys and Gayle Hamm, running for the newly created Trustee Area 1 as part of the November 5, 2024 General Election. Area 1 includes Meadow Vista, Colfax and much of the north and east parts of the district.
You can read each of their candidate statements here, but below is additional information about each candidate and links to respective campaign social media accounts.
Jeremy is a teacher, parent and military veteran. He currently has a sophomore in the school district.
Jeremy is a Republican and is supported by conservative groups and conservative elected officials like the Placer County Republican Party, Congressman Tom McClintock, and Colfax Mayor Pro Tem Sean Lomen.
Gayle is a retired occupational therapist. She does not have any children in the school district or school aged children.
Gayle is a Democrat and is supported by liberal groups and liberal elected officials like the Placer County Democratic Party, ATP, and Gayle Garbolino-Mojica.
No. The time period to add or remove candidates from the ballot has long passed. The only two candidates that have entered the race are still on the ballot.
The newly created PUHSD board could call for a special election or make a temporary appointment to fill the vacant board seat until the next election. The candidate who comes in second place would not assume the board position.
In other words, a vote for Jeffreys is a vote against liberal polices and ideas and a vote for Hamm is a vote against conservative policies and ideas.
This website is intended to provide information to the PUHSD community. We do not advocate for or against any candidate.